One half

Achievement (almost) unlocked

A quick note to say that I’ve fulfilled the first requirement towards graduation: my doctoral dissertation was accepted by the jury1 during a private oral exam. Wow ! And I have to say that I am really grateful to the jury, both for the kind comments and for their criticism about my work, that will help me deliver a better manuscript.

What’s coming next ?

I still have to make up a public presentation to officially disclose the content of the thesis and graduate, which should happen in 2 or 3 months. Right now, I’m making the necessary corrections (typos, incorrect equations or statements…), and of course assuring my daily work as en embedded DSP developer. I’m learning a lot these days, hopefully I will be able to make something out of the [Beagleboard-xm](|en|Beagleboard-xm official page] that was given to me at an ICASSP tutorial by TI!

For the thesis, since I’m not really involved in public research anymore, I’ve decided to disclose it little by little on this blog. Coming soon, an introduction to Non-Local Means (NL-means), followed by an example where it is actually better to be semi-nonlocal.

You don’t really see what I mean ? Stay tuned via the blog’s feed or Twitter! The posts will be ready in a few days, with supporting code on github.

  1. Prof. J.-Ph. Thiran (EPFL - head of jury), Prof. J.-F. Aujol (IMB), Prof. P. Fua (EPFL), Prof. L. Jacques (UCL) ,and Prof P. Vandergheynst (EPFL - thesis supervisor). ^
