Rush hour

The end of 2012…

Good and bad news

But not only. Starting on January 1st, 2013, I won’t be a research assistant anymore.

So, good news or bad news ?

Goods news is, I’ve found a job, so I have to leave. Bad news is, well, we you have a real day job, you can’t really spend a lot of time on your personal research, including writing a thesis.

So the big challenge is now: will I be able to write and defend a proper thesis before the deadline ? The manuscript is due mid-January, but I have to do as much as possible before starting working. My evaluation is that half the thesis (2 chapters) is ready, but the other half still needs a lot of experiments and also a bit of rewriting. So, let’s see in two weeks how things are doing well ! (or bad).

By the way, another good news: I’ve finally found a name for my new nonlocal algorithm: it’s going to be DANSE (or NASH, I’m still hesitating a bit). Since it’s never been published anywhere before, you’ll have to wait a little for more explanations, but I like it.

The end of the world… almost

I’m writing my thesis in a Dropbox folder (alongside my TimeMachine backups). It seems that my local dropbox install went out of sync in some way, then never managed to rebuild the index (freezing the machine) and finally started deleting my thesis files ! At this point I got really really scared. Luckily, I got my files back from my backup drive and shut down Dropbox, but beware if you do also have important files somewhere in the cloud…

The future of this blog

I still need to figure out what this blog will become in the future. It won’t disappear, for sure ! (I renewed the domain name and the hosting, so everything’s all right in this regard.)

Since I won’t have an academic page anymore, I think I’ll still use it to blog about research, especially my research that is still in the publishing pipe-line. Due to the confidential aspects of working at a company, don’t expect to much blogging about work. In particular, I should keep the series about LBD alive because it’s very popular and seems to be a hot1 topic at the moment. OpenCV and CUDA tricks seemed appreciated, maybe I will have more time for these too2! I’d like to talk also about two recent Computer Vision books I’ve almost finished reading.

See you soon !

Anyway, see you on this blog in 2013, hopefully with good news ! In the meanwhile, don’t forget to celebrate the New Year’s Eve, or you’ll have to wait for another year ;-)

  1. Or at least warming! ^
  2. And a new computer with a recent CUDA card. ^
