Some updates
I’m quietly updating the github depot associated with this blog. If you sync the code regularly, you may have already noticed the apparition of movies a few weeks ago. They will be useful when the optical flow code will be online ;-)
Today’s update brings hard and soft-thresholding, and a demo on how to use them for image denoising (in the DCT domain).
Being original
The implementation of soft-thresholding may seem a bit awkward to people familiar with it : the soft-thresholding is implemented via a shrinkage operation on the original coefficient, without explicit sign extraction. This formula comes from Matthieu Kowalski’s papers for block-based thresholding, on which I rely for my work now. At first, I tried to have an implementation close to his equations, and finally I decided that I liked it and kept it {{as is}} when using the code to github.
You can visit Matthieu Kowalski’s homepage here.
More to come
As said before, optical flow is scheduled to be the next big update in the code depot. In the meanwhile, since I’m doing a lot of structured sparsity for my thesis, I will probably add small bits of transforms, thresholdings, etc. regularly.
If you feel that I’m getting too slow to push the optical flow code, don’t hesitate to drop a comment to keep me motivated ;-)